A Few Thoughts on the Class Presentation: Journal

Kendra Wilson
5 min readNov 24, 2020
Photo by The Matter of Food on Unsplash


Yes, my classmates first set of presentations were on the amazing artists Beyonce and Michael Jackson. While both have done a lot to advocate for their communities, I want to focus on Lemonade for a second. Beyonce’s album took the world by surprise when b bshe released it, I remember the heavy speculation of the album’s contents were about. It would soon be revealed that it was about her marriage with rapper Jay-Z. With how the black community is, old-fashioned and a little judgemental(and nosey), the nose about the album was heard. There was conversation saying that her album was pure fiction, or that she was lying because “why would Jay-Z cheat on Beyonce?”, or even people asking why she would want to come out with content so private. People questioned if she had any respect or sanctity for her marriage. But honestly. it wasn’t about that. As someone who is an avid lover of writing poetry, I can understand exposing yourself bare to your paper and rendering yourself fully to your art and emotions. It is an escape and sometimes the only route someone can go through in order to feel some semblance of peace and the possibility of reconciliation.

Beyonce got cheated on. Do you know the kind of pain that comes with that betrayal? The constant questioning that may pose to yourself and how it lingers on your mind. She decided to be vulnerable and let her fans know some of the most intimate parts of her life, to allow her violation to be spoken about, and that takes strength. Honestly, I understand why she decided to stay with Jay-Z because sometimes you don’t want to start over with someone new when there is history there, but personally, I could never. That is a strength I can live without, but it is a strength I understand. Maybe It’s my selfishness or I’m just quick to end things but, I understand, but I wouldn’t do it.

Also, I love the homage to the African deities like O’sun that she used the colour scheming for. PS. The entire class got smoked by Obi in the Beyonce quiz.

Photo by Nuno Alberto on Unsplash
Photo by Puk Patrick on Unsplash

On Mulan and Hercules:

Honestly, something I give Disney credit for is their amazing way of subliminally delivering a message to their audience, and I mean subliminally. Also, their scores/composers, songwriters, animaters and their actors/talents are absolutely amazing.

Two of our classmates decided to do their presentations/pieces on the well-known film of Hercules and Mulan. Both cultural classics from the cultures these movies depict but censored for Disney*. Let’s start with my few thoughts on Hercules. In true Greek stories, the Gods are neglectful and don’t really pay attention to their demigod children who either become pains or are actually somewhat benevolent. I think we can ALL agree that The Muses MAKE the damn movie! Every song they led? A banger. A bop? Outfits were on point. Just everything about the Muses was absolute perfection, which is just lovely. I also would like to point out that Phil from Hercules was based on Philoctetes, I made this connection when I watched this video about Philoctetes. I think it’s cool that we can watch movies on Greek heroes and then we can see them show up elsewhere.

Funnily enough, Hades(based on the actual Greek stories) isn’t even the worse god in the Greek Pantheon. Personally, I think it’s his brother’s Zeus and Poseidon because of their atrocities. Like what Poseidon did to Medusa or how Zeus treated Hera. Once again, gods being reckless. I also would like to make a quick comment about my girl Megara. It was brave of her to fall in love again after what happened in her previous relationship. She quite literally gave her life and devotion to bring her lover back from the dead just for him to leave her? Yeah, that could *once again* never be me. I would have learned to let that mango(pun intended.) But I really do commend her for moving on and giving love another chance even though she had a whole song about refuting it. Props to her!

The story of Mulan is one of my favourites because I can relate to it a little. I may not have saved my entire country but I have had to experience major growth in a short time. One thing that I adore about Mulan that I can relate to is not wanting a man/husband shoved down her throat. She went about her life not really needing to conform to anything or anyone. She was comfortable with just being herself. I also like the relationship she had with her father because it reminds me of the love, adoration, and bond that I had with my father before he passed. I think if I were in Mulan’s position, I too would risk myself to protect my father. Not just anyone in my family, but definitely my father. He is someone that I defend fiercely and I look up to him to much.

Also, talk about being someone who takes absolute major risks to achieve her goals! She cut her hair and decided to pretend to be a man so she could take her father’s place. She literally plays her part(and well too) and manages to fool the men enough. It was great seeing that it was a girl who persevered and pushed to master everything she wanted to master. The scene where she fought the Huns in the mountains was great. A little movie tidbit, I’m not sure if you notice it but, there’s a point in the movie where Mulan isn’t as musical anymore. The scene where they stumble across the burnt village and witness the pure destruction is where the singing stops for the rest of the movie, and the serious tone sets in.

It was just good to see a strong female figure who was just herself and didn’t apologise for it. It was nice to see someone save the people who shunned her and would not listen to her(a bigger heart than me tbh), and to also see someone as smart and witty as I aspire to be. I think my peers did a good job at picking what we should watch and discuss and I adore this class.

